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How to make a great landing page - top tips for maximum conversions

How to make a great landing page - top tips for maximum conversions

Natalie Nabi
Oct 28 2024

Creating a landing page that drives conversions is an essential skill for all marketeers. Unlike typical web pages, landing pages are designed with a single goal in mind - to guide visitors to take a specific action, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource.

But what goes into a truly great landing page? Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to make a great landing page that converts effectively.

1. Start with a clear objective

The purpose of a landing page is singular - it’s created to fulfill a specific goal. When planning your landing page, define that goal and design every element to support it. Common objectives for landing pages include:

  • Generating leads (e.g., collecting email addresses)
  • Encouraging product purchasesPromoting event registrations
  • Offering downloadable resources (e.g., ebooks, whitepapers)
  • Once your objective is clear, create a call to action (CTA) that aligns with it, guiding visitors to take the desired step without distractions.

2. Keep the layout simple and focused

Clutter is the enemy of conversion. When it comes to how to make a great landing page, less is more. Use a clean, simple layout that directs visitors’ attention to the key elements - the headline, main offer, and CTA button.

  • Limit navigation: Avoid adding extra links or menus, as these can distract users from the main goal. Ideally, a landing page has minimal or no navigation links outside the CTA.
  • Whitespace is your friend: Whitespace draws attention to the important elements by providing contrast. Use it around the CTA and key sections of your page.
  • One primary visual: A single image or graphic that relates to the offer should stand out, giving visitors a sense of context without overwhelming them with visual choices.

3. Craft a compelling headline

Your headline is the first impression visitors get of your page, so it needs to grab attention and set the stage for what’s to come. The best landing page headlines are:

  • Clear and concise: Avoid jargon or complex language. In just a few words, tell users what they’ll get and why it matters.
  • Value-driven: Highlight what makes the offer worth clicking on. Instead of saying, “Sign up for our newsletter,” consider something like, “Get exclusive tips that boost conversions by 30%.”
  • Benefit-oriented: Focus on how the offer benefits the user. Communicating a clear value proposition shows visitors why taking action will be worthwhile for them.

4. Highlight the benefits, not just features

Features are useful, but benefits are what sell. When you’re explaining your offer on the landing page, be sure to communicate how it solves a problem or improves your audience’s life. Here’s a quick way to think about the difference:

  • Features tell what your product or service does (e.g., “Comes with 24/7 support”).
  • Benefits explain why that feature matters to the user (e.g., “Get help anytime you need it to keep your business running smoothly”).

By addressing benefits, you tap into visitors’ motivations and make it easier for them to envision the value of converting.

5. Use strong, action-oriented CTAs

The call-to-action (CTA) button is the core of your landing page. Every element on the page should work toward encouraging a click on this button, so it’s essential that it stands out and is persuasive.

  • Use action words: Opt for verbs that communicate immediate action, like “Get Started,” “Download Now,” or “Sign Up Free.”
  • Make it visible: Use contrasting colors that make the button pop against the background and position it above the fold for easy access.
  • Test different wording: Sometimes, small changes in CTA language can impact conversions. Try A/B testing different variations like “Get Your Free Guide” vs. “Claim My Free Guide” to see which resonates best with your audience.

6. Leverage trust signals

Trust signals reduce visitors’ hesitation and increase their confidence in your brand. These signals come in many forms, but they all help reinforce credibility and reliability.

  • Customer testimonials: Social proof is powerful. A few positive quotes from satisfied customers can make your landing page feel more trustworthy.
  • Trust badges and certifications: Logos of security certifications (like SSL), industry awards, or partner logos can provide credibility.
  • User numbers: If applicable, mention impressive statistics about your customers. For example, “Join over 10,000 businesses using our solution to grow faster.”

These trust elements don’t need to dominate the page, but they should be visible and close to the CTA, supporting the decision to convert.

7. Optimize for speed and mobile

A great landing page doesn’t just look good; it performs well too. Landing page visitors are quick to bounce if a page takes too long to load or doesn’t display correctly on their devices.

  • Improve loading time: Compress images, minimize code, and avoid heavy scripts to ensure fast load times. A loading time under three seconds is ideal.
  • Use responsive design: The majority of online traffic comes from mobile devices, so ensure your page is fully responsive. Every element, from the CTA to images, should scale smoothly to different screen sizes.

8. A/B Test key elements

No matter how well you design a landing page, it’s important to continuously test and optimize. A/B testing, or split testing, is the process of comparing two versions of the page to see which performs better.

Elements to consider testing include:

  • Headlines: Try different headline variations to see which one attracts more engagement.
  • CTA button color and text: Small changes in color, size, or phrasing can have a significant impact on conversions.
  • Form length: If you’re collecting information, test whether a shorter form improves sign-ups. For some audiences, removing unnecessary fields can lead to higher conversions.

9. Keep forms short and simple

If your goal is to collect user information, like email addresses, keep the form as short as possible. Every additional field you ask them to fill out adds friction to the conversion process, so ask only for essential information.

  • Limit required fields: Only request the information you need for the first contact. For example, name and email may be sufficient for lead generation.
  • Offer incentives for long forms: If you require more information, provide an incentive like a discount or exclusive content to motivate users to complete the form.

10. Use visual cues to guide users

Strategic use of visuals can help direct users’ attention to the CTA and key points on your page. Arrows, directional images, or contrasting colors can subtly guide visitors through the content in a way that leads naturally to the CTA.

  • Directional cues: Use images of people looking toward the CTA, arrows pointing to the button, or visual flow that leads the eye downward to the form.
  • Color contrast: Use color theory to your advantage, placing the CTA in a bold color that contrasts with the rest of the page, helping it stand out.

Be creative

Creating a high-converting landing page is both an art and a science. By focusing on simplicity, clear messaging, strong CTAs, and continuous optimization, you can craft a page that effectively converts visitors into leads, subscribers, or customers.

Remember, testing and refining your approach is crucial to long-term success. So start with these strategies, experiment with different elements, and soon, you’ll know exactly how to make a great landing page that achieves your goals.

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